When should I protect potted figs?
When should I protect potted figs?
Protecting potted figs for winterFig trees are a popular choice for home gardens, and potted fig trees are especially popular for their versatility and ease of care. However, fig trees do have some temperature sensitivity, and it's important to protect them during cold weather to ensure their health and survival. One key temperature to be aware of is 15 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, the roots of potted fig trees can start to suffer from frost damage. If the temperature drops below this point, it's a good idea to take steps to protect your potted fig tree. There are several ways you can protect your potted fig tree from frost damage: Bring the pot indoors: If possible, bring the pot inside to a location where the temperature stays above 15 degrees Fahrenheit. This could be a garage, basement, or even a sunny spot in your home. Wrap the pot in insulation: If you can't bring the pot inside, you can wrap it in insulation to help keep the roots warm. Bubble wrap, burlap, or even a blanket can all be used to insulate the pot. Move the pot to a sheltered location: If you have a sheltered location in your yard, such as under a porch or against a south-facing wall, you can move the pot to this location to help protect it from the cold. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your potted fig tree stays healthy and continues to thrive, even during cold weather. Just be sure to monitor the temperature and take action when necessary to protect your tree from frost damage.