Overwintering figs in your garage
Overwintering figs in your garage
Water If you're keeping fig trees in your garage over the winter, it's important to keep an eye on the soil moisture to make sure your trees are getting enough water. Here are some tips for checking the soil for dryness:
  1. Stick your finger down into the pot every two weeks to check the moisture level. If the soil feels dry down to an inch or so, it's time to water.
  2. If the soil is moist below the surface, you can wait a little longer before watering again. Keep an eye on the moisture level and check again in a week or two.
  3. If you're not sure how often to water, try adding about 8 oz (1 cup) of water to a 3 gallon pot with a well-established tree in a good draining mix. Check the soil moisture again after two weeks to see how quickly the water is lost.
  4. Remember, if your fig trees are dormant with no leaves, they will need less water. Be careful not to oversaturate the soil, as excess water can drain off if your potting mix is well-draining.
By following these tips, you can make sure your fig trees are getting the right amount of water while they're in the garage over the winter.

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